Control system
The company Balt Brand Ltd has developed a modern controlling and monitoring software, with all the features that provide optimal drying program according to the production task. In addition, working algorithm of this system is directly meeting customers' needs and guarantees an efficient working process.

Easy to use
The control system is easy to use. It is fully animated. Operating of active elements is shown not only by numbers, but also as movement of all the functional units in the real time on the screen. The controlling and supervising system includes not only the drying process, but also controls entire working system and is reflected in graph ot table, which is also very important.

Based on customer requirements
In developing controlling and monitoring system, our company took in account experience and requirements of our customers, thus creating a safe, smart and easy to use system. This kind of system makes it possible to predict, monitore and archivate all data and changes. This way we exclude accidents or mistakes in work of service staff, so the safe operation of the equipment can be guaranteed.